Тренировки Chloe Ting 2020 2 Weeks Shred Challenge — отзывы

Хлоя тинг челлендж 2 недели тренировки

Get shredded with this 2-week program designed to help you lose weight with HIIT workouts and to work on those abs! This challenge is beginner friendly since it is only 14 days, has no jumping and low impact variations, and no equipment is required. . Read More

2020 2 Weeks Shred Challenge


Can I really get abs in two weeks?

It depends on a number of factors. The leaner you start out this challenge the higher the chances you’ll be able to see strong definition in the ab area. Most people won’t get the shredded defined abs look in 2 weeks, but this does not mean you won’t develop your ab muscles, especially if you train them regularly. Abs are visible only when you are at a low enough body fat percentage! And while genetics do play a part, by working the core and slowly leaning out over a consistent period of time, the chances of getting defined abs are a lot higher.

What’s the difference between the 2019 and the 2020 2 Week Shred?

The 2 Week Shred 2020 is more challenging than the one released in 2019. Although the goals are similar, I have added more resistance and included new variations of some exercises. It is definitely a step up from 2019! But don’t be discouraged, this challenge is suitable for everybody! Remember, there are always low impact modifications for all exercises.

Which version should I do? 2019 or 2020?

This is very dependent on your fitness level and what you find most appropriate. The 2019 2 week shred is slightly easier than the 2020 and is great for people just starting out. The 2020 version is more challenging and does involve a bit of resistance. They are both great options, but it really depends on your goal!

I’m losing motivation despite it only being two weeks, what should I do?

We all have those days where we don’t feel like exercising — it’s completely normal! My advice would be to have a little bit of discipline, and try to push through, but it’s important to listen to your body and to realise what is best for you on that day. If you’re finding it way too difficult, don’t be discouraged, and don’t push yourself if you’re body is telling you it’s too much. Remember that the schedule is only a guide, and you can can take longer to finish the program if you want!

This is my first time working out so consistently, I’m so sore!

A little bit of soreness is very normal, especially for someone just starting out on their fitness journey. I highly suggest doing the warm up and cool down to really loosen up those muscles you were working, and avoid exercising if you are too sore (or switch to the lower impact option / do less reps). If you think you’ve injured yourself, it’s important to stop exercising immediately and see a healthcare professional.

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Two weeks is a short time, can I do the challenge twice in a row?

It’s okay to do the challenge for a month if you wish to. However, I suggest taking at least 4-5 rest days in between to let your body recover and not doing the challenge for any longer than a month. If you choose to continue please feel free to replace videos with other similar ones for more variety. It’ll be more fun that way too!

Some episodes require equipment but I don’t have any, what should I do?

If you do not have the dumbbells, don’t worry. You can substitute the dumbbells with filled water bottles, water bottles with rocks, canned food or any heavier handheld item. Please make sure you do not hurt yourself with whatever piece of equipment you choose to use. Alternatively, if you do not wish to use equipment, I have provided modifications which you can do with bodyweight alone.

What weights should I use/start with?

It really depends on how much weight training you’ve done in past. If you’re new to it, then start light. 1-4kg (2-8lbs) may be enough and you can slowly progress with heavier weights. Remember to take it slow, and focus on your form.

Тренировки Chloe Ting 2020 2 Weeks Shred Challenge — отзывы

Мне настолько понравился знаменитый двухнедельных челлендж от Хлои Тинг от 2019 года, что спустя 2 недели после его прохождения я решила попробовать еще одну совершенно свежую тренировку — 2020 2 Weeks Shred Challenge, которая вышла в конце августа этого года.

Evelinegrace аватар


Я уже рассказывала, как похудела на подсчете калорий , пришло время поделиться впечатлениями от программы тренировок. Я никогда раньше не слышала о Хлое Тинг, но однажды, листая очередную группу в социальной сети с результатами «До и после» я наткнулась на невероятный результат одной девушки,…


— Ты чё, живот втянула? — Не, он сдулся Salve! Сразу же несколько дисклеймеров: Отзыв будет длинным. Очень длинным. Много размышлений, оффтопа и доп. инфы. Если вас это не пугает, добро пожаловать. Если хотите увидеть только результат — вам в конец отзыва.

Julianne Moriarty аватар


Добрый день! Я уже почти два года сбрасываю вес. Точнее, сбрасываЛА, а сейчас нахожусь в идеальном, на мой взгляд, весе, и мне требуется нарастить мышечную массу.

Кларисса Улав аватар


Двухнедельный марафон Хлои Тинг. Как говорится, в жизни каждой женщины наступает момент, когда приходит Хлоя Тинг и ставит еë в коленно-локтевую. У меня этот момент пришёл не ради изменения фигуры, а эксперимента для.

Kira Allexsa аватар


Добрый день! Хочу рассказать, как я с помощью тренировок с Хлоей, избавилась от лишних килограммов, сделала более рельефное и спортивное тело. Тренировки рассчитаны на 14 дней и ещё большее количество времени. Но я занималась по двух недельной программе. В основном тренировки функциональные.

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Elen1993A аватар


Ну что же, физкульт-привет всем, друзья! Не думала я, что когда-то дойду до написания отзыва на программу тренировок, да и вообще что буду заниматься физической активностью. Но жизнь — штука непредсказуемая, особенно если почитываешь отзывы на Рекоменде.

yanoshka2005 аватар


Хлоя Тинг — известная фитнес-ютуберша, которая недавно привлекла внимание миллионов людей своими тренировками во время карантина. Ее канал на YouTube содержит различные видеоролики с тренировками , которые любой желающий может выполнять дома, есть также много полезных рецептов .

LiteLife аватар


Просмотрев огромное количество роликов на YouTube,было принято решение приступать к действиям. Мне случайно выпала рекомендация именно Хлои Тинг и я начала просматривать её ролики, а затем и ролики людей, которые занимались по её программе.

JustMe89 аватар


Всем доброго времени суток! Я просто не могу не оставить отзыв на челенджи замечательной девушки — Хлои Тинг . Я совсем не спортсменка, но была всегда стройной. Периодически занималась дома, а, забеременев, начала посещать бассейн и немного заниматься со специальным тренером в зале.

dulyaramysenova аватар


Лично я познакомилась с Chloe Ting еще в недалёком 2019 году. Тогда уже появилось желание быстро похудеть и закрепить свои результаты. Очень долго искала действительные тренировки, и так мне попался её челендж на стройные ноги, который длился 28 дней. 28 дней тренировок!


Решила попробовать заниматься по программе Хлои Тинг 2021 Weight Loss Challenge, чтобы напомнить себе, что такое спорт и привести себя в форму. Сама по себе я не сказать, что полная, но есть места, которые очень портят настроение частенько (нижняя часть живота, попа) Сейчас подходит к концу моя…

Хлоя тинг челлендж 2 недели тренировки

Get shredded with this 2-week program designed to help you lose weight with HIIT workouts and to work on those abs! This challenge is beginner friendly since it is only 14 days, has no jumping and low impact variations, and no equipment is required. . Read More

2019 2 Weeks Shred Challenge


How many videos am I supposed to do each day?

You are recommended to do ALL videos listed for each day. E.g. if a day has three videos, you should do all three. If a video is listed twice, you should do it twice. If you’re having trouble doing them, stick to the low impact versions until you get stronger. That being said, the warmup and cooldown videos are optional, and some days include other optional videos. While it’s recommended you do these, they’re not essential. Remember, these schedules are my recommended guide — please feel free to make changes as necessary to suit your needs.

Must I follow the videos in a particular order?

The order in which I listed them is my recommendation. You can break them up and do them across the day, but it’s worth just getting it all done in one session if you’re able.

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It’s too hard! Any tips?

It’s meant to be hard! If it wasn’t hard, you wouldn’t get results. Don’t feel pressured in performing at 100% at the start. Go at your own pace, it’s totally fine and expected. The key is to keep track of your progress, slow down and focus on your breathing and form and aim to do better each day. Soon you’ll realise you’re much stronger and you’ll soon progress and be able to follow along all the way.

Can I take more rest days or change the schedule?

Yes, feel free to make changes as necessary and rest when you feel your body needs it. There is no one size fits all and this schedule is just my recommendation. For ladies, on your special day of the month, feel free to take the day off or do the low impact version if you can.

How do I engage my core?

Here’s a useful video on the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN_jTQuSkjg

What can I do to get the results I want?

This depends entirely on what results you are looking for. In general, working out is just half the battle. You need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and a (mostly) healthy diet — you don’t have to eat clean/healthy all the time, but it will definitely be beneficial in the long run. If you’re looking for healthy meal options, I have tons of meal ideas and What I Eat videos that contain healthy recipes and are (most importantly) YUMMY as well. Healthy food can be tasty too!

What should I do after I finish the program?

It depends on your goals. Everyone’s physique is different and you may or may not see results you were expecting. I recommend giving yourself one week off entirely after the program as rest is important.

Any final tips?

Do not measure your progress based on the weights on your scales! It’s not an accurate representation of your progress as there’s muscle gain, water weight, and other factors to consider. Some of you may be at your optimal weight and there’s only so much difference the scales will show. What I would recommend is taking progress photos, same angle, start of the day, same time, do it once a week. At the end of the program, look at your physical change and also how you FEEL. Feeling stronger, more confident and happier makes a huge difference in your everyday life and those are things people often forget about.

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